Surveillance and security


Knowing your possessions are safe

Having a guard protect your home means peace of mind while you are away.
Our company has a rigorous and extensive screening process for candidates, with full background and reference checks.

Crime scene

Going away with peace of mind

Don't panic, we'll take care of it


Our guards are versatile and qualified to care for and maintain your property for short or long stays, for your complete satisfaction and peace of mind.

A homeowner who requests a caretaker for his house usually expresses several motivations :

  • Taking care of your animals
  • Maintaining the house and garden
  • Protecting the house, ensuring a presence

It has been shown that in times of burglary such as the summer, houses that remain inhabited are less vulnerable than empty houses. It has also been found that the presence of a caretaker in a house often prevents disasters (water leaks, electrical breakdowns, etc.).

Book a consultation

How does a guard increase the security of your home ?

  • Keeping lights on at night is a sign of life.
  • A caretaker who stays in a house shows signs of occupation (e.g. a moving car, mail in the mailbox, laundry on a drying rack, a tended garden).
  • The caretaker sets the alarm before leaving the house and makes sure it is working properly. It is very common for the security company to be able to contact the caretaker directly if necessary.
  • The presence of a caretaker often helps to avoid disasters (e.g. a power cut, water damage following a storm, etc.).
  • In the event of a claim, the caretaker can either warn you or make a declaration to your insurance company.
  • The caretaker can answer the phone and show that your house is not empty.

Contact us

We understand our customers' needs.
To better meet your expectations, please call us :

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Tainara Souza

Account Manager

Languages spoken :

+41 022 736 10 06
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